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Dental Implants: 3 Different Types & When Each Is The Most Appropriate

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There are essentially three varieties of dental implants. Your dentist will generally choose which implant method is most appropriate for your particular needs, but many times your dentist will give you the option of choosing. This article discusses the three most common kinds of dental implants to give you a better understanding of your options, or simply to help you get a better idea of what exactly it is your dentist has in store for you.…

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How To Stop Your Gums From Bleeding

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Having bleeding gums is not only a frustrating thing to experience, but it can be embarrassing if it happens in front of other people. If you have ever bit into an apple and noticed a small amount of blood on the apple, you will know exactly how embarrassing it can be. Luckily, there are many things you can do to prevent your gums from bleeding, or at least reduce how often this happens.…

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What Is The Cause Of Periodontal Disease And How Is It Treated?

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Periodontal disease is caused by a bacterial infection that affects the gums. It is caused by poor dental hygiene, which results in a buildup of plaque, a sticky film that coats your teeth after eating. If bacteria isn’t removed by brushing and flossing, it may use sugars to form plaque. Plaque then combines with minerals in saliva to form tartar, a hard substance that covers the teeth. What are the effects of periodontal disease?…

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