Don't Be Afraid to Make an Emergency Dental Appointment

Tips For Caring For Your Toothbrush

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If you are serious about your oral health, then you are probably quite diligent about brushing your teeth. If this is true, then you need to make sure that you have the right products to clean the teeth. Of course, the most helpful of all is your toothbrush. Toothbrushes need to be cared for like any other type of tool, even though most people are unfamiliar with how to do this. Keep reading to learn about some tips that can help you with this endeavor:…

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Why You Should Go Easy On Physical Exercise After Dental Implant Placement

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As a fitness buff, you probably find it difficult to take days off your regular exercise regime. However, you still need to heed your dentist’s advice of avoiding strenuous physical activity following your dental implant treatment. Here are the specific reasons serious physical activities can hurt you at this time: Increased Swelling It is normal to experience a certain level of swelling in the area around your dental implant in the days after the surgery, but strenuous physical activities will increase the swelling.…

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Helping Your Child Embrace Proper Brushing

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If your child hates to brush twice a day, you may struggle to get him or her to practice effective dental hygiene. Some parents simply warn their child of the potential for rotting teeth. However, a warning may not be enough for many youngsters. Nevertheless, there are things you can do to help your child embrace proper brushing. Here are a few of them: Buy a New Toothbrush Kids often love new things. A new toothbrush will likely be treasured over its older counterpart, especially if the brush is adorned with a favorite superhero or another beloved character.…

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